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by ZeroFriends



Koreas No. 1 GoStop • Hwatu • Hitgo Book App, GoStop Amount CalculatorGame amount rule setting, up to the amount settlement through accurate calculationAfter the game is over, settle at once!GoStop Amount Calculator is an App developed to help players who hit GoStop not settle the money at the end of each round, but rather who should give how much to whom at the end after enjoying all the rounds.While playing GoStop with my friends, I decided to develop it because I had to manually calculate who should give how much to whom for each game in order to finally settle it by bank transfer.#Many rules applied to GoStop!Dont think. Just type.The calculation is left to the app. Humans can make mistakes, but code doesnt.# Take away all the hard-to-recognize features!You can clearly see only the features that you need to showIt is a convenient and intuitive app to use.#Ah..? Suddenly a rule came to mind... ;;its okay! Instead of long sentences, only the main point is clear!Weve compiled all the rules for GoStop in the app!#The most intuitive settlement history on earthWhat we need is who gives and how much to whom!The most neat and clear show!App guide1. [Game Creation] Set up players and rules to create a game.2. [Starting the game] The game can be played with at least 2 players and no more than 4 players. (When playing with more than 4 players, 1 player must sell the light.)3. [Option score record] Check who sold the light, and who sold it.4. [Enter winners score] Enter the winners score. (Please enter the final score by calculating the score for shaking and chanting.)5. [Input loser score] Check whether the loser has beaten or not.6. [Real-time status history] Check the status of revenue that is settled at the end and the status of revenue by round!7. [Settlement] Please settle who gives and how much to whom through the settlement details.Inquiry: [email protected]